Pracovní nabídkyFreelanceřiFirmyCeník#Neřešíme

Piano Software s.r.o.

0 aktuálních nabídek


Sídlo: Bratislava, Slovenská republika

O firmě

Piano is a fast-growing enterprise SaaS company with operations in Philadelphia, New York City, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, London, Oslo, Paris, Berlin, Singapore, Tokyo, and elsewhere globally. We provide enterprise software and strategic services to the world’s leading media companies, including NBC Universal, the Economist, Dow Jones, BBC, Techcrunch, Bloomberg, Le Parisien, Gannett, Mainichi Shimbun, and more than 400 other clients. The company is now at an inflection point as it aggressively moves into other industries outside of media. Our software and services enable these companies to create customized digital experiences for users, restrict and sell access to content online, and analyze user behavior in order to drive engagement, loyalty, and revenue.

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