Pracovní nabídkyFreelanceři🔥 PROČlenství


Svetlana Zacharová

Graphic & Web Designer 👩🏻‍💻

Hodinovka: 1525

Úroveň: Mid

Registrován: 31.05.2021

Dostupnost: Podle potřeby, Full-time / kontraktNovinka

App DesignGraphic DesignUXUIWeb DesignDigital Product Design
App DesignGraphic DesignUXUIWeb DesignDigital Product Design

Graphic & web designer with several years of experience
in the field and focused mainly on UI/UX design, content creation for social networks and paid media. Skills in programs such as Figma, Sketch, Adobe programs and experience with HTML and CSS. Passion to learn new things and stay in touch with new design trends and technologies.


My works in the field of ui/ux, web desing on Dribbble:
Portfolio with graphic/print designs:

Ocenění, certifikáty

Athreos - UX/UI Design Process & Principles: Practical Guide