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David Orolín

Front-end developer

Hodinovka: 1524

Úroveň: Mid

Registrován: 10.12.2024

Dostupnost: Podle potřeby, Full-time / kontraktNovinka


Hello! My name is David. I am experienced in creating web applications, working on creative projects and building tools that solve problems. Always keeping and eye on new technologies.


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava


1️⃣ Web Redesign for (2023)

🌐 Completely revamped the website's design and functionality, turning Figma designs into a polished product.
✨ Highlights:

  • Coded a responsive and modern UI with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.
  • Delivered an intuitive and user-friendly web experience.
    🔗 Live Demo:
    🖥️ Technologies: TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, HTML

2️⃣ Hololens2 App Development (exe, 2022)

🤖 Leveraged cutting-edge Azure AI services to create an innovative application for Hololens2, enhancing interactivity and usability.
✨ Highlights:

  • Conducted rigorous testing for reliability and performance.
  • Built features utilizing AI for next-gen immersive experiences.
    🖥️ Technologies: .Net, Azure AI, Docker, Python, Jira

3️⃣ MVSR VYSYS Enhancement (DITEC, 2022 - Present)

💻 Developed and optimized various portal applications in Java, ensuring compliance with legislative updates and improving UI/UX.
✨ Highlights:

  • Added robust safety features and modernized existing forms.
  • Created user-friendly portlets for seamless navigation.
    🔗 Check It Out:

4️⃣ Universum (LifeUP, 2024)

🚪🔐 Designed and developed a fun and challenging EscapeRoom game for Android using the Ionic framework.
✨ Highlights:

  • Implemented 12 interactive tasks to engage players.
  • Used modern tools like Angular, SCSS, and TypeScript to ensure a sleek design and smooth performance.
    🖥️ Technologies: Angular, TypeScript, SCSS, HTML, Git