Pracovní nabídkyFreelanceřiFirmy
Město: Bratislava
Forma: Full-time
Plat: 2200 — 2900 €
Typ: TPP
Přidáno: 15.10.2024
Information about the position
Job description, responsibilities and duties
Working for some of our top clients, you will capitalise from having the following qualities and skills:
• Knowledge and orientation in the Slovak media environment and its dynamics
• Willingness to learn and work with various clients' business models and strategies; flexibility
• The desire to grow and inspire other colleagues to improve their skills
• Proactivity and steady striving towards the best results possible
• Constantly reassessing existing processes, looking for better and more efficient ways of working, keen on innovating what we already have to achieve more success and prosperity
• Promote a be-curious culture, openness to questions in order to find the best answers
• An inspiring team leader and builder who can make and support contacts
• Ability to build strong and lasting relationships with clients and partners; credibility and integrity
• Ability to connect and communicate seamlessly with our agency partners such as affiliated agencies in other countries, creative agencies, PR agencies and media owners
• Ability to create long-term well-being in the team, to be a friendly and helpful leader
• Excellent emotional intelligence and understanding of how to best lead and motivate people; ability to differentiate between individual needs and thus adapting problem-solving
• Empathetic listener
Information about the selection process
What makes OMD a leading agency and a great place to work is to focus on our people. We are proud and at the same time happy that the people in our agency are among the friendliest, brightest, smartest, most passionate and fun people in the media industry. In addition to our people, we have an amazing group of great clients with whom we really enjoy working.
We are looking for bold, open-minded and curious people to join the best performing media agency network in the world, an ideal place to work on your media career.
We want people who bring their different attitudes, opinions and convictions into our culture, where each individual is treated with respect and can just be themselves. We believe that accepting our differences leads to a stimulating and inspiring environment. This way, we all can gain a new perspective on the world, our work and each other.
Want to work with us? Get in touch! Just send your CV and COVER LETTER in English to.
Personality requirements and skills
OMG is looking for a fantastic Media Account Director for its OMD agency, a communications or marketing professional to join our dynamic team. If you are interested in growing brands, whether they are challengers or leaders in their category, this is the right position for you!
As a Media Account Director, you will be a key contact person in the day-to-day management of client projects. You will be responsible for the preparation and implementation of media solutions for our clients. Excellent communication is a must as you will be interacting daily with clients and partners. You will also help guide and manage younger team members. You will join a friendly and cohesive team of people who support each other. OMD stands for excellence planning. We always try to find a better way for our clients. An opportunity like this doesn't come often, so don't miss it.
Candidates with education suit the position
University education (Master's degree)
Language skills
English - Upper intermediate (B2) or higher
Other knowledge
Communication, empathy, interpersonal skills - Advanced
Determined approach to self education - Advanced
Microsoft Office - Advanced
Data analyse - Advanced
Marketing, media, brand management - Advanced
Project management - Advanced
Leadership - Advanced
Experience in the position/sector
3 years experience marketing, communication, media, financial/business analysis
Number of years of experience
Employee perks, benefits
Working for us you will be part of our bright, supportive and open-minded team gathering together in the office and outside.
You will enjoy coffee, tea or learning in one of our chill-out areas.
We support flexible work-time and flexible work-place.
With multisport program we have at place you will benefit from wide scope of afterwork activities everywhere.
We will allow you extra days off work for your preferred CSR activity.
We are a pet friendly office.
V úzkej spolupráci s našimi agentúrami OMD a PHD, vytvárame v skupine OMG komplexné komunikačné riešenia pre klientov, rýchlo a efektívne. Hľadáme otvorených a rozhľadených ľudí, ktorí prinášajú svoje rôzne názory, postoje a presvedčenia a obohatia tak našu kultúru, kde je každý jednotlivec rešpektovaný a môže byť sám sebou. Veríme, že akceptovanie našich rozdielov vedie k stimulujúcemu a inšpirujúcemu prostrediu. Týmto spôsobom môžeme všetci získať nový pohľad na svet, našu prácu a jeden na druhého.
Máme odborníkov v mnohých oblastiach, špecializujeme sa na servis klientom, obchodovanie, insighty a stratégiu, sociálne médiá, search a programmatic, sponsoring, programové a eventové partnerstvá. Sme partia nadšencov s naozajstnými ambíciami a odhodlaním.
Na zozname našich klientov nájdeš prvotriedne značky, medzi nimi Henkel, McDonald´s, NAY ELEKTRODOM, PepsiCo, Renault, Nissan, UPC, Walmark a mnohé ďalšie inovatívne značky. Vytvárame komplexné zákaznícke riešenia na mieru.
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