Job offersFreelancers🔥 PROMembership


Jakub Javor

Grafický, UX/UI, Fashion Designer

Hourly: 1315

Level: Senior

Registered: 29.11.2023

3DBrand DesignGraphic DesignUXDTPWeb DesignApp DesignUIVideo Editing...
3DBrand DesignGraphic DesignUXDTPWeb DesignApp DesignUIVideo EditingArt DirectionCreative DirectionMediaSocial MediaContent MarketingTikTokEnglishMicrosoft ExcelUkraine positive 🇺🇦

Ahoj, volám sa Jakub Javor a som skúsený dizajnér s viac ako 7-ročnými skúsenosťami v oblasti grafického, UX/UI a módneho dizajnu. Bez problémov som spojil tieto 3 skupiny dokopy, aby som vytvoril pôsobivé a inovatívne riešenia, ktoré rezonujú u publika na celom svete.

Môj prístup k dizajnu:
Do každého projektu prinášam jedinečnú zmes kreativity a odbornosti, čím zabezpečujem všestranný a svieži pohľad na vec. S precíznym citom pre detail vytváram návrhy, ktoré nielen spĺňajú, ale aj prekračujú očakávania.

Zameranie na klienta:
Pochopenie potrieb mojich klientov je jadrom môjho procesu. Uprednostňujem efektívnu komunikáciu, aby som pochopil ich víziu a pretavil ju do výnimočných dizajnov.

Spoľahlivosť a odhodlanie:
Dodržiavanie termínov a dodržiavanie najvyšších štandardov kvality sú moje charakteristické znaky. Klienti sa na mňa môžu spoľahnúť pre konzistentnú, špičkovú prácu a odhodlanie pre ich spokojnú odozvu.

Milujem výzvy a prijímam spätnú väzbu, neustále sa vyvíjam a prispôsobujem, aby som prinášal tie najlepšie výsledky. Moja vášeň pre dizajn poháňa moju oddanosť ku každému projektu.

Som nadšený, že môžem do vášho projektu vniesť svoje schopnosti a spolupracovať na vytvorení niečoho skutočne výnimočného.


Svoje zručnosti som si zdokonaľoval na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave, kde som získal vysokoškolský titul (Bc.) v odbore mediamatika.

Čas na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave mi dal vzdelanie v odbore mediamatika. Táto akademická cesta položila základy mojej profesionálnej dráhy a vybavila ma neoceniteľnými teoretickými znalosťami v princípoch dizajnu.

Profesionálna cesta:
Spojením tohto akademického zázemia so skúsenosťami z reálneho sveta som sa pustil do dizajnérskeho priemyslu so zameraním na brand a grafický dizajn. V priamej spolupráci s klientmi som vytvoril presvedčivé vizuálne dizajny.

Klientsky orientovaný prístup:
Moja profesionálna cesta bola riadená prístupom zameraným na klienta. Pochopenie cieľov a ašpirácií klientov bolo kľúčové pri vytváraní návrhov, ktoré spĺňajú očakávania.



Awards, certifications

- 1st & 4th places at Hackathon "NASA Space Apps Challenge 2022" of local round in Prague

Together with my team colleagues from AV Activities company, I participated in the Hackathon as a competitor, which took place on 1.-2. of October 2022 in Prague (Czechia). The Hackathon with the title "NASA Space Apps Challenge" had 23 different challenges. We chose two challenges to create inspirational solutions on how to communicate better the data of NASA missions to the world.

During 28 hours of net time, we fulfilled the challenging assignments and prepared:

  • a working mobile app prototype of AR (Augmented Reality) choice-based game, which is explaining the mission of the Parker solar probe and all of its interesting points in a fun and easy-to-follow manner with a linear storyline true to the historical facts. This solution won 1st place.
  • a working solution of an interactive environment, using advanced technology with real/3D content, which can be used on any device. Using the AR options to show the 3D visualizations with other documentation in the 360° & 3D Interactive Virtual Tour. This solution won 4th place.

My role as a captain was team managing, task delegating, brainstorming ideas regulating, solution preparing, problem-solving, communicating with event organizers, team supplying, creating Tech solution for Virtual Tour, and final presentations preparing.

The Hackathon with the challenges was prepared by Keboola with NASA. Based on the final evaluation, we ranked 1st & 4th places in this competition. The competition was attended by 9 teams and around 50 people from Slovakia & Czechia. It was the local round in Prague and we passed into the global round worldwide.

The website of hackathon:

- 3rd place at Hackathon "Hack Away at CO2"

Together with my team colleagues from AV Activities company, I participated in the Hackathon as a competitor, which took place on 11.-12. of June 2022 in Bratislava (Slovakia). The Hackathon with the title "Hack Away at CO2" has only one challenge to build the most innovative creative and fun digital Carbon Footprint Calculator.

During 28 hours of net time, we fulfilled the challenging assignment and prepared a working mobile app prototype with several functions (forms, CO2 calculator, gamification activities to reduce users´ CO2 footprint, playful 3D models with options to show them by Augmented Reality) to move the user closer to the nature and educate the user more about problems with nature, environment, recycling, CO2, etc.
My role as a captain was team managing, task delegating, brainstorming ideas regulating, solution preparing, problem-solving, communicating with event organizers, team supplying, and final presentation preparing.

The Hackathon with the challenge was prepared by Keboola & Microsoft with SPP (Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s.). Based on the final evaluation, we ranked 3rd in this competition. The competition was attended by 6 teams and around 50 people from Slovakia & Czechia.

The website of hackathon:

- Partner Prize of Mattoni 1873 at Hackathon "GreenHack 2022"

Together with my team colleagues from AV Activities company, I participated at the CEE Hacks European Sustainability Hackathon as a competitor, which took place on 20.-21. of May 2022 in Prague (Czechia). The Hackathon with the title "GreenHack" has nine different challenges from 5 categories. We chose the challenge by Mattoni 1873 to find new options on how to communicate better the benefits of Mattoni water to consumers.

During 26 hours of net time, we fulfilled the challenging assignment and prepared a solution of using the beverage packaging (PET Mattoni Natural) as a gateway to an augmented reality mobile app. Use the AR app to show the 3D visualizations in the AR space of Mattoni benefits. The working mobile app prototype has several functions how to show the consumers the benefits of Mattoni mineral water via 3D playful models, which can be showed also by augmented reality to move the consumer closer to the nature and educate the user more about mineral water, problems with nature, environment, recycling, etc.
My role as a captain was team managing, task delegating, brainstorming ideas regulating, solution preparing, problem-solving, communicating with event organizers, team supplying, and final presentation preparing.

The Hackathon with the challenge was prepared by CEE Hacks, European Commission, The Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Prague city, Mattoni 1873, and other partners. Based on the final evaluation, we didn't rank in the first/second/third place in this competition, however we won the biggest Partner Prize of Mattoni 1873. The competition was attended by 21 teams and around 150 people from around the world.

The website of hackathon: