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About us

pretlak founders


Launch of the website

900 000+

Job seekers

90 000+

Sent CVs

6 500+

Added offers

We are Pretlak, a modern job portal with offers from marketing, design, creative, IT, and other related industries.

On one side, there are great opportunities from top companies, and on the other side, there are relevant people from the industry seeking these opportunities. We want to serve all of this to you as simply as possible and without unnecessary clicks, because in simplicity lies work. And beauty.

Furthermore, we support the creative community (we are part of it ourselves), freelancers, remote work, and quality over quantity.

We are excited that thanks to you, we have work overload!️

pretlak s. r. o.
Lazovná 236/5 974 01 Banská Bystrica
IČO: 52310965
DIČ: 2120985350
IČ DPH: SK2120985350
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