Hodinovka: 15 — 24 €
Úroveň: Mid
Registrovaný: 10.12.2024
Dostupnosť: Podľa potreby, Full-time / kontraktNovinka
Hello! My name is David. I am experienced in creating web applications, working on creative projects and building tools that solve problems. Always keeping and eye on new technologies.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
🌐 Completely revamped the ksebe.sk website's design and functionality, turning Figma designs into a polished product.
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🤖 Leveraged cutting-edge Azure AI services to create an innovative application for Hololens2, enhancing interactivity and usability.
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💻 Developed and optimized various portal applications in Java, ensuring compliance with legislative updates and improving UI/UX.
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🚪🔐 Designed and developed a fun and challenging EscapeRoom game for Android using the Ionic framework.
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