Pracovné ponukyFreelanceri🔥 PROČlenstvo

🔥 PRODostupný

Michal Zak

Software Test Engineer

Hodinovka: 27.532

Úroveň: Senior

Registrovaný: 03.02.2025

Dostupnosť: Podľa potreby, Full-time / kontraktNovinka


I understand the fast-paced nature of startup environments and the critical importance of early bug detection. Therefore, I prioritize "shift-left" testing methodologies to identify and address potential issues as early in the development cycle as possible.

I am proficient in various FE/UI testing tools and frameworks for web applications, including Playwright, Cypress, Jest, Vitest, and Grafana K6.

I have a solid understanding of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, including Node.js and React. My knowledge extends to relational databases such as PostgreSQL, and I am familiar with CI/CD pipelines using platforms like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, and Bitbucket Pipelines. Additionally, I have experience with AWS cloud services.

I leverage these tools to develop robust and reliable tests, encompassing E2E, API, component, unit, and performance testing, ensuring the stability and optimal performance of applications.

I prefer the flexibility and focus that remote work provides.

Ocenenia, certifikáty

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level, License 297

Michal Zak 🔥 PRO freelancer!

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