Pracovné ponukyFreelanceriFirmyCenník#Neriešime


Muehlbauer Technologies

Mechanical Designer



Platod 2400 €



Step into career in a company that has been awarded TREND TOP Investor of the Year 2024 - where ambition meets opportunity!🚀

Náplň práce

  • New solutions of structural assemblies according to specification or request letter
  • development of machine concepts for new products
  • development of estimates for the complexity of prototypes
  • determination of design of construction groups
  • explanation (selection) and oversizing of drives and components
  • establishing and testing standardised production documentation (detailed drawings, assembly drawings, bill of materials, assembly instructions, tests)
  • design of pneumatic distribution systems
  • risk analysis and hazard assessment according to the applicable CE regulations
  • identification of actuators and sensors for electrical design
  • definition of spare and consumable parts
  • verification of own or team designs in practice


  • Secondary or higher education in a technical field

  • Post-secondary/higher vocational education

  • University degree I

  • Higher secondary education

  • University degree III

  • demonstrates an independent and conscientious work record

  • systematically structures and organises production and work tasks

  • demonstrates team spirit when dealing with complex tasks in other areas

  • as a technical designer, leads and controls professionally to ensure that tasks and projects can be carried out efficiently

  • communicates and presents the technical state of affairs clearly


  • Attractive additional financial benefits (holiday allowances, health bonus) - 1 extra salary
  • Language courses payed by company (150 € / semester)
  • Regular employee interviews for individual career advancement
  • Multisport card
  • Social benefits (weddings, births, work anniversaries, life anniversaries)
  • Employee events, Teambuildings
  • Meal vouchers valued at 6,30 € / day with the option of boarding in the company
  • Private parking in front of the company

O firme

Spoločnosť Mühlbauer Group bola založená v roku 1981, s hlavným sídlom v Nemecku. Postupom času sa rozrástla o mnoho dcérskych spoločností po celom svete. Najväčšia z týchto dcérskych spoločností sa nachádza v Nitre, kde pracuje 700 úžasných zamestnancov vrátane študentov univerzít a stredných škôl v rámci odbornej prípravy. Spoločnosť Mühlbauer je dynamická technologická spoločnosť, ktorá s veľkým úspechom pôsobí vo viacerých odvetviach vrátane výroby čipových kariet, technológie RFID, e-mobility, batériovej technológie, flexibilnej solárnej a flexibilnej elektroniky. Sme hrdí na to, že sme lídrom v tomto odvetví a poskytujeme celý rad nástrojov, ktoré sa zameriavajú predovšetkým na vytváranie bezpečných preukazov totožnosti, elektronických pasov, kontaktných a bezkontaktných čipových kariet a iných metód autentifikácie.

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