Job offersFreelancers🔥 PROMembership


Rebeka Penciaková

Grafická dizajnérka

Hourly: 525

Level: Mid

Registered: 17.01.2023

Brand DesignGraphic DesignUIWeb DesignApp DesignUXIllustrationCopywriting
Brand DesignGraphic DesignUIWeb DesignApp DesignUXIllustrationCopywriting


I'm a self-taught graphic designer who has been designing for over 5 years and specializes in web design, apps and social media posts.

My passion is creating graphics that capture the personality of the customer, are consistent, usable and beautiful.

All the different stories from all the passionate people I meet along the way are what keep the excitement sparking in what I do every day. There's nothing more amazing than a new website or feed, is there!

Social Media Graphic Designer at GoSpaceTech SK | UI | UX | Web Design | App Design


LEAF Academy | 2021 - now


I have worked on many different projects in my lifetime, but these are the four I am most proud of.

  1. Luxury Glamour | Web Design
    Six months ago, I was contacted by the owner of a beauty salon saying she needed to revitalize her website. She wanted something modern, simple and clear.
  2. MOOD.IO | App Design
    A startup idea from a collective of young skilled people who care about the mental health of others.
  3. BKYA Design | Web Design
    My own project, which we are still working on and refining the idea to make it somehow different from other marketing and branding agencies.
  4. Classmate | Web Design
    Also, have you ever wondered why there are no things available anywhere on the internet that a student knows how to prepare for graduation? A group of young smart people have come up with this project that will make preparing for graduation easier than ever.

Awards, certifications

  • AP 2D Art & Design | Grade 5
  • LinkedIn Photoshop Certificate