Job offersFreelancers🔥 PROMembership


Tomáš Radič

Front-end Developer

Hourly: 1215

Level: Junior

Registered: 11.01.2024

DatabaseEnglishJavaScriptNode.jsReactTypescriptWeb Design
DatabaseEnglishJavaScriptNode.jsReactTypescriptWeb Design

Ahoj, som front-end developer samouk z Malaciek na Slovensku. Baví ma sebazdokonaľovanie a rada sa učím nové veci. Mám skúsenosti s prácou front-end vývojára a ovládam HTML, CSS/Tailwind, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, MySQL, REST API, Postman, RapidAPI, GIT, Node.js

Svojou prácou a samoštúdiom som získal cenné skúsenosti.


Frontend Web Developer
Freelance - Tomas Radic Self-employed

Sep 2023 - Present 5 mos

Malacky, Bratislava, Slovakia. Hybrid

I am responsible for creating custom web applications for clients. I work closely with clients to understand their needs and design preferences. I am also responsible for coding the front-end of the website, testing the website to ensure that it is functioning properly, and providing ongoing support to clients.

Skills: Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, React.js Axios, React Query, Postman API, Vite ,Git ,AWS-S3 bucket ,Firebase - Firestore Database/Storage/ Hosting

Junior Frontend Developer

playground group s.r.o. Full-time

Jan 2023-Sep 2023 9 mos

Bratislava Remote

• Responsible for creating user interface according to Figma design.

• Responsible for the implementation of APIs and their subsequent use.

• Technologies we used: TalwindUI, TypeScript, ReactJS, Git, RecoilJS.

We have achieved: Convert your Excel spreadsheets to responsive web calculators. Mark input and output cells, set your own in inputs values and then let the tool do the rest. When your calculator ready, you can embed it in your website or link it to to your e-shop via API.

Skills: Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, React.js ,Postman API, Vite, Git, Figma (Software)